Esri + Verheij

Een van onze eerste producties uit 2019. Op de Esri GIS conferentie vertellen partners van Esri Nederland over hun ervaringen met het GIS platform van Esri. Wij mochten deze video produceren die vooraf aan de zaal werd getoond om Verheij integrale Groezorg te introduceren. Een mooie combinatie van animatie, tekst en (drone)beelden. More examples
Council for Culture: Guy and Roni

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Esri GIS Conference

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Culture Council: Framer Framed

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Zuiver Media

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Nederzandt Kidsday

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Carin Intro

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Esri + Antea Group

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Open Coffee and video

Audience data are a valuable source of information for cultural and creative institutions and organizations. But what can you do with it? How can you make the most of it? And what does collaboration yield? A number of important parties in the cultural sector have joined forces in the Audience Data Collaboration Task Force with […]
Copernicus Company Video

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